Introducing ‘Metrix Track’ for Tracking CLP Performance

Introducing Metrix Tracker a new dApp to help users track their Concentrated Liquidity Pools, analyze performance and plan your own strategies.

Metrix Finance is proud to announce its new product: A wallet tracker perfectly designed for investors focused on Concentrated Liquidity Pools (CLP)! The new software is packed with all sorts of features from basic to advanced to help users manage and analyze performance on their liquidity pools across multiple chains!

Currently the new tracking software is capable of automatically detecting all the user’s liquidity pools (LP) on Uniswap, Sushi, Pancakeswap and Quickswap including all of their supported networks and all you need to do is to input an EVM address (no need to connect wallet).

The Main Interface

The main interface is clean and objective giving users valuable information from the get go just from the user inputting an Ethereum-compatible wallet address.

  • Current Liquidity: Shows how much the users has on this wallet considering all the assets and LPs the investor is in. It also takes deposits and withdraws into account.
  • Earnings: Shows the fees generated by all the user’s LPs on this wallet claimed or unclaimed.
  • Profit/Loss: Shows the combination of your Earnings + Asset Gains. Assets Gains refers to asset appreciation/depreciation, the VS HODL shows you how much you made relative to simply holding the assets and ROI means the total Return Over Investment.
  • APR: Shows the LP performance and estimates projects for 24h, 7 days and 30 days under regular conditions.

The lower portion of the screen breaks down each LP linked to this wallet and their respective stats. It’s possible to see which pools are doing well and which ones need rebalance as well as their respective networks and individual earnings/APR.

If you mouse over the dotted bar on the right side you can see exactly where the price is at.

Time to blow your mind

Users can access a detailed view for an individual LP of their choice by clicking on the Details button next to each row. The next screen is really rich in details so let’s dive in!

The top bar in this example shows you your LP pair (WETH/LINK), the protocol (Uniswap), the network (Ethereum Mainnet), the fee tier (0.30%) and the current status (In Range). The other indicators are pretty much the same as the ones we saw before except the APR now only shows the 24h Projection and the Opening Date.

The Position Composition window shows how much your assets were valued at when you first opened this position as well as how much you would have if you had just held them and finally it shows the current value of your position including the ratio between assets.

The Earnings window breaks down how much you’ve earned so far with each coin and it also shows how much has been claimed so far as well as the total earnings.

The Divergence Loss window represents what’s also commonly referred to as impermanent loss or cost of opportunity. This example shows the user how much would have been made with only one asset or the other (Either 100% or 100% WETH). It also shows a scenario where the user would have 50% of each asset as well as what was actually invested under Initial Assets.

This window also compares every possible scenario with simply holding the assets in your wallet so it’s easier to understand impermanent loss from different angles and consider different strategies.

The Position Liquidity window displays graphs that can be toggled on and off so users can compare how each strategy does over time! It answers questions such as: How would holding 100% WETH do compared to holding 100% LINK? How about a 50/50 strategy when compared to my current position over time?

The Price Range window  displays the range for the current position as well as where the price is at besides letting the user know how much of an asset got converted into the other one.

The Projections window shows users how much they can potentially earn over time considering the average APR. Projections are available for 1, 7, 30, 60, 90 and 365 days.

Last but not least we have the History window where it’s possible to see a user transaction’s history which links to the appropriate network scanner.

What’s next?

This is the first release of the wallet tracking software by Metrix Finance and there are plans to expand all functionalities and include more networks and more protocols in the near future which means soon enough this should be the standard solution for CLP tracking for professionals and enthusiasts in DeFi interested in analyzing their own strategies with ease.

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