Estimate Orca CLP Fee Returns Through Metrix Finance
Unlock higher Orca fee yields with Metrix Finance: Your essential tool for DeFi insights and optimal liquidity pool strategies.

DeFi is a world of uncertainty, especially when it comes to yields derived from a real revenue stream. It’s very hard to predict potential earnings! Orca displays a fee estimate before deploying into the liquidity pool, however this estimate is derived from 24-hours worth of data, making it very inaccurate.
Often times Orca Liquidity Providers find themselves getting lower returns than what was displayed before investing. We sought out to fix this issue by implementing Orca exchange on Metrix Finance, the best liquidity mining tool.
On Metrix Finance you can simulate potential earnings, determine deposit amounts & ratios of assets, find a bulletproof range for your concentrated liquidity position, analyze consistency of liquidity pools, and much more.
How To Use Metrix Finance Orca APR Calculator

When landing on the homepage of Metrix Finance Fee Calculator, you’ll have the option to choose an exchange, choose a network, select a pair, and select a fee tier. These are all crucial steps to determining which Orca Liquidity Pool you will be using for your simulations.
After selecting the liquidity pool, you’ll be greeted with a sleek interface that displays the most important metrics when it comes to providing liquidity on Orca DEX.

At the top, you’ll see some information about the Orca Liquidity Pool, including the two tokens it’s comprised of, the fee tier, and the network. You can open the pool on the official Orca website and have the option to ‘Toggle Pair’ which switches the price quote or ‘Change Pool’ to select a different pool.

The next few sections are arguably the most important sections. This is where you’ll be able to analyze your potential return, enter your deposit amount & find out how much of each asset you need, and select your range.
While the Estimated Fees & Deposit Amount sections are self-explanatory, let’s dive deeper into the Liquidity Price Range section.
The Current Price is equivalent to the current price of the pool, if you wish to test a strategy where you enter at a different price other than the current pool price, you can adjust this, otherwise, it’s best to leave it as is.
The Min Price & Max Price for the Orca Liquidity Pool are equivalent to your selected range. As you probably know, the more narrow your range is, the higher the yield you will achieve, but at the same time, the higher risk you are taking on.
The Calculation Range section determines how many days the Orca Calculator will factor in when estimating your return. For example, if you select 30 days, the Orca LP Tool will analyze 30 days’ worth of volume, fees collected, liquidity distribution, and total value locked to estimate your yield. Whereas if you choose 7 days, it will only analyze 7 days. This feature helps you determine how the short-term vs long-term yield is. A liquidity pool might have a high long-term yield but a low short-term yield. This means the fees collected recently have been lower than the pool’s TVL.
Lastly, you have the option to calculate impermanent loss for liquidity pools at specific prices, this feature helps you plan how you’re going to manage your Orca Liquidity Pool.

Moving on to the next section, you are able to view the current distribution of liquidity and the correlation chart of the pool (price chart).
The Liquidity Distribution chart allows you to analyze where other Orca Liquidity Providers are placing their liquidity to help you determine where you might want to place your liquidity.
The Correlation (Price Chart) helps you analyze the recent prices of the Liquidity Pool to help you determine where to set your Min Price and Max Price for maximum optimization.
Well, That’s It!
Our goal at Metrix Finance is to be the ONLY tool you need for Concentrated Liquidity Mining. We plan to add many different features in the future so make sure to stay tuned & follow our X page. We can’t wait to hear what Orca CLP strategies you come up with!